What is economics?
- Activities related to the production and distribution of goods and services in a particular geographic region. Why is economics so important in our daily lives?
We are constantly faced with choices. Each choice has an opportunity cost. Considering opportunity cost can help us make better decisions. The basic economic principles (micro vs macro)
Just as the principles of mathematics don't change with the
size of the problem, basic economic principles do not change
with the size of the economy. They're just harder to see
because of the many layers that exist between savers and
borrowers. The importance of the human nature and the correct development of common sense and critical thinking in our economical environment
Demand for more is natural to all humans. No matter what we have, we always want more. Everyone must have a rational, well-thought-out approach to solving problems. Common sense and critical thinking both play a role in economical problem solving, as well as how people regard life, situations and each other. Common sense and critical thinking, however, differ in their approach and level of operation. - Common sense involves thinking and problem-solving skills developed from intuition, natural logic and the human ability to observe events and absorb information and lessons from them. These observations allow you to learn from experience and thus to hone and implement sound judgment. You use common sense to approach and attempt to solve problems in day-to-day life. The right combination of both human capital tools will lead to the right economical decisons.
(Risk Mismanagement: VaR against Black Swan - Joe Nocera -The New York Times) Why is money so important to an economy?
Money in an economy is like oil in an engine. It makes it run more smoothly and efficiently than it would without it. The textbook answer is that money makes exchanges easier by solving the barter problem. You can only barter with people who have what you want and want what you have. If everyone "TRUSTS" money, that problem is greatly reduced. The "naturalness" of money is apparent here: in prison, cigarettes are used as money. People who do not smoke will accept cigarettes as payment because they know they can exchange the cigarettes to someone else for something else.
That's the "medium of exchange" role of money. (Future of Money by Bernard Litaer) Will the money erosion process of the financial crisis lead to a global TRUST crisis?
The financial crisis of 2008/2009 (and of course today) and the failure of Lehman Brothers has raised many questions about the money creation process in our actual economies; A few more references to get a clear basic economical understanding:
I.O.U.: Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay by John Lanchester The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power by Stephen A. Zarlenga Economics of Good and Evil: The Quest for Economic Meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street by Tomas Sedlacek Economics Basics: What Is Economics? - INVESTOPEDIA |
Human capital is the investment in training and education, which was popularised in Gary Becker's book, Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, for which he was awarded a nobel prize in economic. HUMAN CAPITAL Financial Services
Today's financial service industry is under high pressure due to several well-known reasons. The announcement in the global banking sector these days of large downsizing measures will have a huge domino HR impact for the whole industry in the future. See summarized the most common reasons why some people within one organization are not performing the work deliverables as it is expected as Employer, Management, Manager or Supervisor: Expectation gap between job described by the employer and initial day to day job reality view of employee; The mismatch between job requirements and employee qualification/skills; Too little coaching, training and feedback from Managers or Supervisors; Too few personal development and advancement opportunities; Feeling devalued and unrecognized for the work performed; Stress from overwork and work-life imbalance; Loss of trust and confidence in Management, Managers or Supervisors. HUMAN RESOURCES Management
Why do some organizations get better performances than others? Please refer to our HUMAN CAPITAL Services to have a better overview of our approach. TALENT Management
"It is about getting the right people in the right place at the right time and at the right cost". Develop strategy: Establishing the optimum long term strategy for attracting, developing, connecting and deploying the workforce; Attract and retain: Sourcing, recruiting and holding onto the appropriate skills and capitalize, according to business needs; Motivate and develop: Verifying that people's capabilities are understood and developed to match business requirements, while also meeting people's needs for motivation, development and job satisfaction; Deploy and manage: Providing effective resources deployment, scheduling and work management that match skills and experience with organizational needs; Connect and enable: Identifying individuals with relevant skills , collaborating and sharing knowledge and working effectively in virtual settings; Transform and sustain: Achieving clear measurable and sustainable change within the organization, while maintaining day to day continuity of operations. Failures in talent management are mainly due to the mismatch between the supplies and demand not due to the failure in the concept. |
GAAPs GAAPs Industry News
What are Accounting Standards/Principles?
In the past, countries developed their own accounting standards. They were rules-based, principle-based, business-oriented, tax-oriented,... in one word, they were all different. With the globalization, the need to harmonize these standards was not only obvious but necessary. Difference between "rules based" and "principles based" approach?
One of the major differences lies in the conceptual approach: Differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP
While this is not a comprehensive list of differences that exist, here are a few examples:
Useful GAAPs Website Links:
No enterprise is immune to the dangers that constitute risk. Yet, risk is in itself a good driving force to promote greater or more productive effort - the stock market feeds off two key motivators: fear and greed. Risk management is the modern discipline that answered the call to handle business risk . RISK MANAGEMENT Concept
The aim of risk management is to improve awareness of the consequences of risk-taking activities, reduce the frequency of damaging events occurring (whenever this is possible), and minimize the severity of their consequences if they do occur. RISK MANAGEMENT phases
-Identify the risks to which the organization is exposed. RISK identification
Approach to looking at potential risks in each area of operations and then identifying the more significant risk areas that may impact each operation in a reasonable time period. Enterprise RISK MANAGEMENT framework
It is a process, effected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, applied in a strategy setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives.
(Source: COSO Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)- Integrated Framework). |
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. ![]() INTERNAL CONTROL Overview
The COSO framework defines internal control as a process effected by an entity's board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: ![]() |
Derivatives Overview
What are Derivatives?
A derivative is a risk transfer agreement, the value of which is derived from the value of an underlying asset. Underlying can be anything that interests markets: cash instruments, like stocks and bonds; tangibles, like commodities; or intangibles, like interest rates, currency rates, stock market indices, and credit quality. Derivatives focus mostly on two types of risk: Derivatives Market types:
Contracts are either traded on organized exchanges, or through a clearing house or agreed directly between two parties in the over-the-counter (OTC) market. Derivatives Product types:
There are three main types of derivative product: - Forwards and Futures; - Swaps; - Options. Some derivatives will even combine two or more relatively simple derivatives to achieve the desired allocation of targeted risks. The valuation of derivatives depends significantly on the state of their underlying's, whereas the value of underlying's depends significantly on market forces. Type of Settlements:
Derivatives can be settled in two ways: -Cash settlement is a method of settling derivatives contracts by cash rather than by physical delivery of the underlying asset. The parties settle by paying/receiving the loss/gain related to the contract in cash when the contract expires. -Alternatively, the old classical way of doing was to make physical delivery of a pre-specified quantity and quality of a commodity on a predetermined date at a contractually agreed location. For what Derivatives are Used?
Derivatives are used to hedge risk, to speculate or to construct arbitrage transactions. |
BANKING Overview
"In recent years, the financial crisis has focused the spotlight on banking. The impact has been vast. Many billions of dollars have been lost around the world, confidence has plummeted, and banks' activities are being scrutinized more than ever. We've even seen big-name banking institutions collapse around us." BANKING in Luxembourg
The regulation of banks in Luxembourg is based almost exclusively on the European legislative framework. The amended law of 5 April 1993 of the financial sector ("LFS") is the main source of regulation for banks complemented by various Grand-Ducal regulations and also by Circulars issued by the CSSF. Main activities in the Luxembourg BANKING sector
The main activities in the Luxembourg banking sector can be summarised as follows. Luxembourg has a limited number of banks offering retail and commercial banking services to the general public and to the Luxembourg business community. These banks have a large branch network in Luxembourg and hence their financing model relies heavily on the collection of deposits from the public. Mortgage bond issuing banks
Banks whose activity is limited to the issuing of covered bonds. Securitisation
The law of 22 March 2004 introduces an attractive legal, regulatory and tax framework for Luxembourg securitisation vehicles. The purpose of the Law is to facilitate capital market transactions and intra-group transactions as well as a combination of both. Inspired by the investment funds regime, the Law introduces securitisation vehicles in corporate form as well as in the form of a securitisation fund. Useful Website Links:
PFS PFS Industry News
PFS Overview
The Luxembourg Government has extended the status of "Financial Sector Professional" ("PFS"), created by the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, to a range of complementary activities as described here after. IT Outsourcing vs Support PFS
The major regulations applicable to outsourcing in general and IT outsourcing in particular consists of the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, as modified (the "Financial Act"), which defines the concept of professional of the financial sector ("PFS"). Useful Website Links
A holding company is a company that is organized for the purpose of owning shares in other companies. A company may become a holding company by acquiring enough voting shares in another company to exercise control of its operations, or by forming a new company and retaining all or part of the new company's shares. While owning more than 50 percent of the voting shares of another company ensures control, in many cases it is possible to exercise control of another company by owning as little as ten percent of its shares. Benefits of a HOLDING COMPANY
The benefits of a holding company are: Luxembourg HOLDINGS COMPANIES forms
There are three types of Luxembourg holding company, each of which benefit from a different tax regime. Useful Website links
Private Equity firms are investment vehicles used primarily by institutions and wealthy individuals to gain equity ownership in a variety of companies. Types of PRIVATE EQUITY firms
A Private Equity firm is a specialist venture company that invests in private businesses by purchasing their equity, or shares. PRIVATE EQUITY funds
A Private Equity fund is a type of investment vehicle that utilizes a group of investors with cash to invest.
Structure of PRIVATE EQUITY firms
Separate Entities PRIVATE EQUITY in Luxembourg (Useful links)
Competitive structures are offered in Luxembourg for setting-up Private Equity funds, such as the SICAR or the SIF, and structures for pan-European Private Equity acquisitions. |
UCITS Overview
An Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) is an investment fund that meets the criteria laid down by Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended, and benefits from a passport which enables it to be sold cross-border into any other EU Member State. ![]() UCI Overview
An Undertaking for Collective Investment (UCI) established under Part II of the Law of 2010 is an investment fund that does not meet the criteria set by the EU Directives to render it eligible for distribution in more than one EU Member State. ![]() SICAR Overview
The Luxembourg law of 15 June 2004 relating to the investment company in risk capital has created a Luxembourg vehicle ("SICAR" Société d'investissement en capital à risque –undertaking for collective venture capital investment) whose principal object is investing in risk bearing capital issued by domestic and foreign companies. ![]()
SIF Overview
The Specialised Investment Fund (SIF) is a regulated, operationally flexible and fiscally efficient multipurpose investment fund regime for an institutional and qualified investor base. ![]() |
UCITS IV Overview
The latest version of the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities ("UCITS") directive, UCITS IV, was agreed by the EU in 2009 and takes effect as of July 1, 2011. The changes are mostly technical or affecting fund management companies, but they also include new provisions for providing information to investors in a straightforward and easy-to-understand format, known as a Key Investor Information Document (KIID). Main Objectives of UCITS IV
Risk Management Process The KIID
The Key Investor Information Document ("KIID") is a short document designed to describe the fund in terms that investors should find straightforward and easy to grasp, in a standardised format over two pages. The KIID is intended to be self-sufficient. |